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Reviews about the company ALS Marine Center, Company Philippines

Comments about the company ALS Marine Center, Company

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Very bad
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In my original inquiry I had asked for a Specific make and model number. They assured me that it was available a few days later. When I made contact to make a purchase they told me that actually it was not available in the Philippines but if I sent them ALL DETAILS of my boat with photos then they would recommend something to me.I replied that they did not need the identification of my boat and that I knew from experience what motor I wanted. They emailed me back recommending a motor with twice the horsepower and twice the cost. After this I was sure I was being taken advantage of and dealing with a dishonest dealer. I am shopping else.
Prompt response: A few days later
Was the order is executed in time: No
Corresponding of goods/services description: No
ClearSelected items: 0